JDataStore 3.51 for Windows
JDataStore 3.51 can be used in two ways:
- As an update to the JDataStore 3.5 libraries that you received with JBuilder 3.5 Professional or JBuilder 3.5 Enterprise.
Installing JDataStore 3.51 as an update to JBuilder 3.5
- You can use JDataStore 3.51 as a standalone class library for use with other Java development tools. You write code in your editor that calls
the DataStore API and add the appropriate JAR files to your classpath when you run your application. You can use JDataStore's visual tools to speed up development.
JDataStore 3.51 for standalone use
Note: Installing JDataStore 3.51 into JBuilder Foundation will have no effect because database functionality is disabled in that edition.
System Requirements
JDK 1.2.2
Intel Pentium 133MHz or compatible
Microsoft Windows 98 or NT 4.0 (SP3)
32MB hard disk space for installation
Deployment: JDK 1.1.x or JDK 1.2.2 (recommended)
Installing JDataStore 3.51 as an update to JBuilder 3.5
Installation Notes
The JDataStore installation will make the following changes to your JBuilder files:
- Executable, JAR, and sample files for JDataStore functions will be replaced.
- Any modifications to jdbce.config or configuration files for other JBuilder database tools will not be preserved.
- Any modifications you made to the DataExpress, dbSwing, JBCL, or JDataStore sample applications or sample DataStores will not be preserved.
The JDataStore installation will not affect the following JBuilder files:
- If you have already entered your JDataStore license information, it will
be preserved. Otherwise, you will have to enter the JDataStore serial number
and license key that you received with JBuilder 3.5 Professional or Enterprise
before you can use JDataStore.
- Any projects you have already built will not be affected.
- Other configuration information such as database, connection, and library definitions will not be affected.
Installing JDataStore 3.51
Follow these steps to install JDataStore 3.51 into JBuilder 3.5:
- If JBuilder 3.5 is running, you will need to exit it.
- In the folder where you unzipped the JDataStore download, double-click on install.exe to launch the installation program.
- Select a language for installation instructions, then click OK.
- Follow the prompts and click Next.
- Accept the license agreement when prompted, then click Next.
- The installer will suggest a folder in which to install JDataStore. It
should list the directory where JBuilder is installed. If not, enter the
correct directory where have you have JBuilder 3.5 installed.
- Click Next.
- When the installation program is complete, click Done.
Running JDataStore 3.51
If you did not use JDataStore since you installed JBuilder 3.5, you will
need to enter your license information:
- Start the DataStore Explorer in one of the following ways:
- If you are running JBuilder, select Tools | DataStore Explorer.
- Select Start | Programs | JBuilder 3.5 | DataStore Explorer.
- Start Dse.exe in your JBuilder 3.5 bin directory.
- From the DataStore Explorer menu, select File | License Manager.
- When the License Manager appears, enter your name and your company name, then click Add.
- Enter your serial number and license key.
- Click OK.
- Accept the license agreement when prompted, then click OK.
- Click OK to exit the License Manager.
Installing JDataStore 3.51 for standalone use
Installing JDataStore 3.51
Follow these steps to install JDataStore:
- In the folder where you unzipped the JDataStore download, double-click
on install.exe to launch the installation program.
- Select a language for installation instructions, then click OK.
- Follow the prompts and click Next.
- Accept the license agreement when prompted, then click Next.
- The installer will suggest a folder in which to install JDataStore. Accept
the suggestion or enter a different folder name, then click Next.
- When the installation program is complete, click Done.
- JDataStore tools such as the DataStore Explorer will use the same JDK that install.exe
uses. To specify a different JDK, edit the jdk.config file installed in your JDataStore bin directory.
- Follow the steps below to license JDataStore.
Running JDataStore 3.51
Before you begin using JDataStore 3.51, you must enter your license information.
If you don't have a serial number and license key for JDataStore, click here.
- Start the DataStore Explorer in one of the following ways:
- Select Start | Programs | JDataStore 3.5 | DataStore Explorer.
- Start Dse.exe in your JDataStore 3.5 bin directory.
- From the DataStore Explorer menu, select File | License Manager.
- When the License Manager appears, enter your name and your company name, then click Add.
- Enter your serial number and license key.
- Click OK.
- Accept the license agreement when prompted, then click OK.
- Click OK to exit the License Manager.
JDataStore 3.51 Documentation
The JDataStore 3.51 documentation is available in both HTML and PDF formats
as separate downloads. The documentation can also be viewed directory from
the Borland web site.
or download the JDataStore 3.51 documentation.